Success Story
Put a half a dozen people together who have found success using
Total Recovery, and you have at least 100 years'
worth of experience and knowledge in one room.
What I have written here is meant to bring hope and encouragement. If reading about someone else's recovery will be an aid in your recovery, then by all means that is what I'll do.
Dr. John Alan Princton
My first story is about a young man who was stressed out because he was unable to pass his final exams and meet all the requirements for his chosen profession. He had spent eight years of his life in college and his grades were satisfactory even exceptional at times. Like most young men in college he wanted to be accepted by his peers and enjoy the fun and excitement found in the college environment. The booze, the girls and the parties became a regular routine in his social life and at times took precedence over everything else. He found that alcohol was a great way to relieve his anxieties and get rid of his inhibitions. As academic pressures grew so did his use of alcohol. By the middle of his eighth year in college alcohol and other drugs became a controlling factor in his life.
After failing his finals for the third time John threw the towel in and quit trying. Gradually his friends who had encouraged him to drink and drug in the first place started to abandon him. John kept slipping into a nightmare, the place I call the Gray World. When he finally reached bottom he decided it was time for help. He tried one rehabilitation program after another. Nothing worked! Since nothing was working and since he was always miserable and depressed he made up his mind to take the easy way out. Suicide!
I found John in the emergency room at the VA hospital. His suicide attempt had failed and he was angry at the whole world for not allowing him to die. His hopes and dreams were dead, so why not his body!
I sat with John for several hours as the doctors and nurses fought to save his life. My only thought was, "This poor soul needed my help desperately." When John recovered enough so that he could carry on an intelligent conversation we started to talk. By the way, I seen a small spark of hope in his eyes that told me he still wanted to achieve his goals and live the life of his dreams. As we talked, I started to introduce positive subliminal thoughts into his subconscious mind. I wanted to encourage him to ask for my help.
After a long period of communication, covering John's life from the beginning until the present time, I started to break through the defenses he had set up. Finally he asked for my help. In no uncertain terms he wanted to get well. This was the beginning. John was ready to be reborn.
John read my book, not just once, several times. He followed my easy formula for success and he uses the simple steps that I outline for recovery on a daily basis. John has recovered simply by changing his way of thinking. He did it by himself with just a little bit of my help.
Dr. John Alan Princeton is my first real success story.
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