To be successful in anything, you have to look in the future not in the past. Forget and forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made. Make a new beginning and let your mind know who you are, what you want from life, and where you want to go with your life, Moving from the Gray World into the Real World is a blessing in disguise and new doors will open.
Life can be anything you want it to be, you have to make it happen. Set your dreams and goals high and look for new opportunities. You have a chance to do what you may have only dreamed of doing before. It takes strength and courage and healing comes as you take that step forward and endeavor to move on. Starting over takes hard work and dedication but keep in mind the best things in life will be your reward.
We all have our problems and we can all make excuses. When it gets right down to it, who do we blame and what do we blame for substance abuse?
If you have an answer then I wish you'd tell me. If you have the right answer you don't need my help.
Unusual circumstances such as broken relationships, loss of a love one, losing your job, and many more traumatic experiences can be called the underlying causes of substance abuse.
Most alcohol treatment programs claim that if you can uncover the cause, the abusive problem will end. I'm here to tell you that is not the truth.
Open your mind and we will look at this a little closer. If circumstances are the cause, then how come the majority of people handle these problems then move on to live a normal life? Can you see where I'm leading you? Let me paint you a clear picture, finding the underlying cause is not the solution. Overhauling your mind and completely changing your way of thinking is the solution.
I've worked with alcohol and drug abusers for the past ten years and I've received hundreds of success stories that I could tell. My service is free because I've made it my goal to help those in need. I'll work with you on a one to one basis and supply you with all the knowledge I have. My methods and techniques are not excepted by other rehabilitation programs, but I've got the proof that they work. I help my clients to cure themselves so they can remain drug and alcohol free for the rest of their lives.
With the proper tools and a true desire by you, I'll guarantee that together we will find the solutions so that alcohol and drugs will never be a problem again.
A person's psychological condition is at least partially responsible for their addiction whether it be alcohol or drugs .
There may be traumatic memories that remain overwhelming which contribute to chronic self-medication.
Painful memories may be covered with layers of forgetfulness.
Bad memories can disturb you on a conscious even a subconscious level
You may be unable to cope with all of life's circumstances. It takes someone who has lived in the gray world and recovered to assist you and help you discover your hidden pain or trauma . By working together we can formulate a treatment .
I offer you private one-on-one sessions that help you to identify these areas and to heal them. The most important thing that I can do for you is give you the keys to the vehicle that will give you the drive to cure yourself.
Let's Get Started
The first thing we want to do is set up a goal and make a definite plan to achieve it. Clearly write down a description of your ultimate aim and post it where you'll see it everyday, several times a day. Now say to yourself that you'll never stop trying until you gain the self confidence needed for it's attainment. Don't let anything stand in your way. It's a definite must to change your current way of thinking. The cure is in a behavioral thought process. You are your own healer and you can accomplish anything you set your mind on.
Now say to yourself , I know that I have the ability to achieve a definite purpose in life. Therefore I demand of myself persistence and continuous action towards it's attainment. I give myself a solemn promise to render such an action. I realize the predominant thoughts in my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in an outward physical action and gradually transform themselves into a physical reality. Therefore I will consciously apply my thoughts thirty minutes each day picturing the person I want to be and that I intend to become. I also know that through the use of auto-suggestion any desire that I hold in my mind will eventually express itself and give in to the object of my intention. So I will demand of myself the self confidence by devoting thirty minutes a day feeding my mind with this thought. " I will succeed regardless of set backs. I can accomplish anything I set my mind too".
Procrastination is the tool of the devil. Stop and ask yourself a moment...just how much has procrastination cost you over the years? Has it cost you your self respect? Have you lost out on great opportunities, only to watched someone else take advantage of them? Besides the losses in pure dollars and cents (and make no mistake about it, being a procrastinator does make you poorer) the biggest cost to you is what procrastination does to you, to your self-image and to your fulfillment of life. Let's face it, you are a substance abuser and if you keep procrastinating you'll stay a substance abuser. So let's change your way of thinking right now. By learning how to stop putting things off you'll be more efficient, have more self confidence and have much less stress. You'll also find it much easier to perform daily tasks and accomplish anything you set your mind too. Procrastination is only a state of mind - one that you can easily change. Take a few minutes each day and tell yourself you'll not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Eventually it will become a habit.
I want you to realize that no success or self cure will endure for any length of time unless it is built upon honesty and integrity. Engage in no transaction that doesn't benefit all of those it affects. You will find success in your own forces plus gain the cooperation of others. You will, by serving others, induce others to serve you. By eliminating the traits that cause a negative attitude in others as well as yourself and developing a love for all humanity you will regain the trust of others finding total sobriety and a lifetime of success.
Now I want you to review the previous four paragraphs commit them to memory if possible and repeat them several times each day for the next two weeks..
You can be the Master of Your Destiny by following these few simple steps.
The next section of my book is a description of detoxification. Before you start Total Recovery it's of vital importance that the poisons be removed from your body so that we can start with a clean body and mind.
Let us consider the fact that you have been drinking, shooting or inhaling for a long time, it only stands to reason that your body is saturated with alcohol or drugs. These poisons have to be removed by professionals, so that serious withdrawals don't occur. The best place to start detox is in the colon since our colon acts as a garbage disposal. We could actually compare the function of the colon in our bodies to a sewer system in a large city. Just imagine for a second what would happen if the sewers in your area became clogged by some debris. Undoubtedly, within a short time the whole neighborhood would be filled with filth and an unbearable stench. This is the same process that occurs in our bodies when the elimination system is not functioning properly. When the colon is clean and healthy, we experience an overall well-being. When it is congested with stagnant waste, poisons back up into the system and pollute the inner environment. This is called autointoxication or self-poisoning. Detoxification has to done and is an important part of the cure. A clean body and a receptive mind makes our job (yours and mine) a whole lot easier.
The three main models for drug and alcohol detoxification are the social, medical and rapid detoxification. The social detoxification model is for those with moderate drug and alcohol dependency problems that do not have a long-history of chemical dependency issues and are medically able and willing to go through detoxification without the use prescribed detoxification drugs. The social model may or may not be medically supervised and emphasis is upon being in a supportive environment with other like-minded individuals who are struggling with the same issues and offering support.
The medical model of detoxification is for those with severe substance abuse issues, or those who are in poor health or have other existing medical conditions, who need medical intervention and prescribed medications to aid in the detoxification process. Medical detox is completed under the close care of a physician and supporting medical staff. Medical detox is necessary for those with severe alcoholism in order to combat the withdrawal effects of seizure, Delirium Tremors (DT's) and autonomic hyperactivity.
Medical detoxification is also required for many of those with addictions to both illegal drugs and prescribed medications. Medications can be given to individuals that will aid in the pain and discomfort of withdrawal. Medication can also aid in the ridding of toxins from the body and help with some of the withdrawal effects such as tremors, vomiting, severe body pain and sometimes hallucinations. For some with opiate addictions, medications such as Methadone, levo-alpha acetyl methadone (LAAM) or Naltrexone (which may also be inserted under the skin for release over time) may be used in detoxification and in ongoing treatment.
The rapid detoxification model, which has been in existence about 10 years now, is for some substance abusers with opiate addictions, who need special medications to cleanse the client's opiate receptors. Rapid detoxification may be completed in just 5 -8 hours while under general anesthesia inside an intensive care unit, under the supervision of a physician and anesthesiologist. Follow-up medication is also given to help break the opiate addiction. Medication such as Subutex (the sublingual form of buprenorphine/buprenex) or Naltrexone may be used at rapid detoxification centers.
Some other non-traditional detox programs may include bio-physical treatment, nutritional detoxification and faith-based detoxification programs. Bio-physical treatment may include sauna, exercise and vitamins as part of the program. The nutritional detoxification program uses megavitamin therapy, nutritional supplements and diet to achieve results. Faith-base programs resemble the social model, but with emphasis on specific religious beliefs.
Ideally, drug and alcohol detoxification centers should provide counseling along with the detoxification services to help those substance abusers with the psychological and emotional distress that usually accompanies withdrawal. Follow-up treatment in a short-term, long-term or outpatient rehab center is also highly recommended in order to assure recovery over the long haul.