Anxiety and Depression
The substance abuser has a tendency to prevaricate (skirt the issue) when it relates to emotions.
While under the influence, they can go through many stages from over friendliness, to hostility, to fear, to depression, to sorrow and then want to be left alone, thus skirting awareness and occasionally blacking out. Refutation (denial) of the abuser can lead to attacks of anxiety, induced by the substance used, severe worry, fear and repeated panicky can result in suicidal intentions. Getting help for these anxiety problems is a lot easier said then done. There has always been a stigma attached to anxiety. The alcoholic won't admit that he or she has a problem. They are ashamed and humiliated when confronted. Worries and fears show signs of weakness and the abuser slips deeper into denial. I've worked with clients who have schizophrenic disorders, bipolar disorders, and all kinds of anxiety disorders. Some are related to the cause of abuse but most are the result of the abuse. I may well be contradicted, but never the less it's again my educated opinion based on successful results that all the problems that stem from abuse can be self cured by positive thinking and a complete change of ones thinking.
While sadness touches all of our lives at different times, the illness of depression can have enormous depth and staying power. The first step in fighting depression is to understand what it is, how it affects you and what causes it. Depression is not something you can just snap out of. You need to nip it in the bud and alter your thoughts by changing your way of thinking. Many things cause depression. The cause we are dealing with is substance abuse. Ingestion of drugs into ones body causes a serious imbalance of brain chemicals causing a reaction that stimulates hostility, fear and depression. Withdrawal from any substance such as alcohol, medications and mind altering drugs, often triggers a deep and traumatic depression. If you have had deep depression or been close to someone who has, you know that it cannot be lifted at will or wished away. It has to be dealt with by eliminating the cause. Taking this step can make all the difference and I'm here to help show you the way. God has given me the tools, now I'm giving them to you so let's use them.
There is no need for you to spend the rest of your life in the Gray World. My intentions to help you move to the Real World are deeply Imbedded and Sincere. If someone had just come to me and said they were a victim of alcohol or drug abuse, I would really want them to know that there is a way out and that they could be helped, that they would get better, that they should avail themselves with an open mind to all of the options, get plenty of exercise, eat well, surround themselves by supportive people and keep on keeping on.
There is a whole lot of research telling us that, not only do prevention programs have a minimal impact, they often backfire, causing more abuse and addiction! This is because such programs constantly emphasize the addictive power of drugs and alcohol, thus damaging the tendencies of those most vulnerable. You have in your grasp the capacity to belief in your own capabilities, Granted, a substance can be more powerful than then you are, if you let it.
I'd like to introduce (A step I use often) a new, simple drug-free anxiety and panic attack therapy that can help change your life, It's fast and it's easy! It works! Palmtherapy...
Palmtherapy is a form of holistic treatment in which various areas and lines on the palms of the hands are stimulated in order to affect emotions and personality. Because the hand has a wide manifestation in the cerebral cortex (controlling motor and sensory sections of the brain), it's thought that the hands can influence brain activities related to emotions and thereby relieve phobias and anxiety.
The effect of Palmtherapy on the mind includes rapid release from anxiety, traumatic memories, severe fears, phobias, anger and grief. Palmtherapy helps to accelerate positive thoughts and behavior patterns, talents, self-esteem, motivation, mental clarity and willpower, Palmtherapy was invented by Moshe Zwang in Autumn of 1985. Since its introduction as a treatment for anxiety thousands have been helped.
Moshe Zwang says: "The hand is like a keyboard of a computer. If you know where to stimulate you can produce anticipated results."
I am not introducing this step to promote Moshe Zwang (however it will). I have used this method and I know it's effect. It is a valuable tool to add to your bag of tools. For help go to
Now I want you to do an exercise that I have prepared just for you.
(1) This must be done when you are all alone and won't be disturbed.
(2) I want you to find a comfortable chair with a back rest.
(3)Loosen your belt, take your shoes off and remove any clothing that is uncomfortable.
(4) Make the room as dark as you can and visualize a large movie screen 6 to 10 feet in front of you.
(5) Make yourself real comfortable. Close your eyes and imagine yourself projected on the screen. You are playing the leading roll. This is a movie that will be nominated for an award. This is a great movie and you are the star.
(6) Now using your visual imagination I want you to step out of the movie and enter your body.
(7) Close your eyes tighter then let them relax.
8) Shake your legs. (8) Shake your arms.
(9) Roll your head slowly around 3 or 4 times. All the way to the back, to the front and side to side.
(10) All your tension should be easing out of your body and mind. I f you still feel any tension go back. Concentrate on each step, visualizing each step clearly in your mind.
(11) Now think about the problem you wish to solve. Roll it around in your mind.
(12) Send your other self back to the movie to act out your problem. Think about solutions to the problem, step into the movie and show your other self the solutions. Help your other self solve your problems. Now sit back and enjoy the movie.
(13) Anchor, Test State and Break State by counting from 10 to 1 backwards. Open your eyes, you are wide awake, you feel better and you know what you have to do to resolve your problem.
Congratulate yourself you've just successfully used affirmation and visualization to embed solutions in your subconscious mind.
I created this exercise to change my way of thinking and I used it to write this book.
The next time you do this exercise squeeze your thumb and finger together before you start and you should drop right into the state. Each time you do the exercise you'll get better. The time will come that when you test state you will go right into a light trance. By regular use of this exercise you can get rid of your bad habits, replace them with good habits, change the course of your life, and by all means change your way of thinking. All the good things in life can be yours.
"Emotion Explosion"
There was a time when I hid my emotions because ,as a child, I was taught to keep my feelings to myself. I remember my mother telling me not to cry when I felt like crying and to smile when I felt sad. As I was growing up it was the norm to lie about my feelings. When I was asked how I felt I'd always reply, "I feel fine" even though I did not. When I'd get angry or really upset with somebody I'd say, "I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you" or "Please forgive me I'm just in a lousy mood". When I started drinking alcoholic beverages that is when it really got tough. If I drank to much I'd lose all inhibitions and if someone or something aroused my feelings I'd have what you could call an "emotion explosion". I'd go berserk and sometimes completely out of control. I remember a good buddy of mine once told me "I can't stand to be around you when you have been drinking. I never know when you are going to have an "emotion explosion". So I adopted the phrase "emotion explosion" and used it when I lost my temper. I can also remember the time when I met a lovely young lady and I told her I really had feelings for her. She replied to me, "Oh dear, I have an emotional explosion any time I'm near you". Now ain't that mystifying?
Coping With Stress
"Affection is triggered by the visual and audible differences that separate humans from other primates, such as white eyes, smiling and speaking."
"When you maximize your happiness, you do what is best for the species."
What is stress? When something happens to us that stirs up and threatens our emotions and we can't handle the situation with our inherited skills then we label the situation as "stressful" and react with a stressful response. On the other hand If we decide that our coping skills outweigh the demands of the situation, then we don't see it as stressful". No two people have the same coping skills so we respond to the same situation differently. Stressful situations are not always negative they can also be positive situations that we are not prepared to deal with. Some situations are stress-provoking, it is our thoughts about situations that determine whether they are a problem. How we see a stress-provoking situation and how we react determines its impact on our health. We may be motivated and recharged by the events in our lives, or we may see certain situations as "stressful" and respond in a manner that may have a negative effect on our physical, mental and social well-being. If we always respond in a negative way our health and happiness may suffer.
To help people cope with stress, find ways to let them safely let go of the stress that they experience or gain a greater understanding of the situation. Be aware of your own coping mechanisms and move to more functional means of managing stress.
Subliminal Messages
I have used subliminal messages through out my entire text. If you don't know what a subliminal message is. Let me explain; Self hypnosis, auto-suggestion, meditation and reminiscing are steps that I use to help you feed positive messages into your subconscious mind, messages that can latter be fed to your conscious mind. However subliminal messages fed into your subconscious mind bypassing your conscious mind give me a certain amount of control. It is my educated opinion that by capturing your attention with an interesting article, phrase or word I can make your mind susceptible to embedded messages. By reading my book you are unconsciously opening your mind to suggestion. All I have to do is capture that moment and feed positive thoughts into your mind. I've spent countless hours perfecting this method and I know that by putting the right power words and phrases in the right places I can transmit my thought to your thought. Since the object of my intention is to change your negative thoughts into positive thoughts I've hidden subliminal message all through my text.
Perception of subliminal messages is a type of subconscious cognition. Unlike unconscious tasks such as listening to one voice out of many in a crowded room or keeping track of a certain sound in a noisy environment, subliminal message cognition cannot be done consciously. A simple example would be breathing It isn't necessary to be aware of ones breathing, it is a normal reaction. Proponents of the power of subliminal messages claim they gain influence or power from the fact that they can avoid the critical functions of the conscious mind, and therefore subliminal suggestions are potentially more powerful than ordinary suggestions. Of course all of this is my conjecture but if it works (and it does) don't knock it. I honestly feel that if you were to read my book over and over many times that you would be cured of your abusive nature.
"The Ambiguity Principle, maintains that ambiguities constructed carefully can be tools of subliminal persuasion. Therefore when a stimulus has two meanings, and one resonates with a repressed emotion, the negative meaning is repressed the same way that the emotion is repressed. The repressed meaning will influences the subject on a subliminal or unconscious level. It is my presumption that the Ambiguity Principle and subliminal messages work hand in hand.
Here is how it works, subliminal messages give positive affirmations and send them directly to the subconscious mind, bypassing the more critical conscious mind. The subconscious then follows these commands to produce powerful and exciting changes in the way that you think, quicker than anything you can imagine
Subliminal power works by inserting positive thoughts in hidden power words while you are reading my text. My messages are completely unobtrusive, in fact, you probably won't even notice most of them even though I've made you aware. It's as though your core being and thought processes have been transformed - and you're beginning to feel more freedom and comfort with each reading.
Your subconscious will take my powerful suggestions and begin to make lasting changes in your life. You'll become more contented and less vulnerable.
You might think that by my using subliminal messages I have invaded your person. Change your way of thinking you are here to be cured and I'm here to help.