Total Recovery
Straight From The Desk Of Big Daddy Cash
Did you ever wonder why most people never achieve their dreams and reach their ultimate goals? Some fear success and others have no self esteem. Then, in my opinion the worst, the procrastinators and the completely hopeless. If you give it some thought I'm sure that you can list many more reasons.
Goal setting is of vital importance for your success. You could say that goals are the keys that will open the doors to your dreams. Actually goals are nothing more then realistic dreams put into words and the plan is putting those words into action. Put your dreams in writing and then develop a time frame in which to accomplish them. Most people spend more time dreaming of success then they do planning for success.
As strange as it may seem we are all equal when it comes to the time we have available to us. We have 24 hours a day, whether we use it productively or waste it that's entirely up to us. I frequently hear the complaint. "I just don't have enough time to read your book and take all your steps." This is a cop out the truth is they don't know how to manage their time or their desire for change is just not strong enough.
How well do you organize your time? I want you to make a list of how you spend your time in a 24 hour period. Start with how many hours you spent sleeping, the time you spend preparing meals and eating your meals, the time you spend getting ready for work, the amount of time you spend going and coming from work, and the hours you spend working, the time you spend watching TV and playing video games, the amount of time you spend on your computer, and finally the time you spend using and abusing. Your total, more then likely, is much more then 24 hours .Determine where you can cut back or even eliminate some of these things. If you reduce the amount of time you watch TV and cut out your drinking you'll have more then enough time to read Total Recovery and use the steps I'm giving you for recovery..
What I'm teaching you I learned from the best mind enhance people and programs in the business of rehabilitation.. How can you fail with this kind of power and it is all right at your finger tips. If you are ready to change your way of thinking and start living a more productive life and you want to do it my way, which I do believe is the easiest way. Then it's time you get serious.
Ask yourself these three questions. (1) What will Total Sobriety mean to me? (2) Can I make it my goal to change my way of thinking and change all my negative thoughts to positive thoughts? (3) Am I willing to set aside everything else in my life to achieve Total Sobriety? Take a few minutes and let these three questions take over all thought. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, become completely relaxed and let these questions enter your subconscious mind. Now answer these three questions with positive answers and commit them to memory. Now I want you to read Total Recovery cover to cover. If you are on my site I want you to read every section, whether you deem it important or not, don't skip anything. When you have done this you have taken your first step to total recovery.
I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful messages they have send me. Your support has made it possible for me to continue helping those people who have a true desire to quit drinking and drugging. My desire to help those in need escalates to a point that success is no longer a dream it's a reality. Keep those wonderful messages coming. .. I try to reply to your messages the old fashion way by making my messages personal and directly to you. I use my auto-responder only for bulk mail and pre written messages send out to the people that I want to add to my list of friends . I never send anything to anyone who hasn't contacted me first. I set aside time to read every message and give each reply my personal touch. I meet hundreds of friends on the Internet that make what I do more than the improbable dream. . Big Daddy Cash
I'd like to explain the primary purpose of Total Recovery. I have taken several chapters from Lost and Found, the story of my life, re-written them and added more content to write this book. My sincere attempt is to help all those in need. Lost and Found paints a picture of the events that took place while I was a victim of alcohol abuse. For ten long years I let alcohol take complete control of my very existence. I lived in what I now call the Gray World just this side of Death. It took an act of God to turn my life around and give me the courage to return to the Real World. The world where sanity takes over and insanity is sometimes treated. I know what it takes to be reborn again and I want to share this knowledge with all the poor lost soles struggling to find their way back. I've made it my goal to help everyone who is willing to try to regain a life of total sobriety. That my friends is the purpose of Total Recovery.
Since the people seeking my help for alcohol and drug related problems must have a true desire to quit and not only control but get rid of their abusive nature. I offer complete support and a definite pledge to help them cure themselves by using the same methods and techniques that I used for an absolute and total recovery. Total Sobriety is tailored to individual needs. By learning mind enhancement (changing ones way of thinking) using meditation, repetition, auto suggestion plus other methods I have outlined, drug abusers can learn to control their condition without the fear of relapse and live relatively normal lives.
To the none abuser and the abuser.
If you have been taking antidepressants and the depressive state went away, causing the doctor to take you off the medication, beware. You may experience uncomfortable symptoms as your body readjusts. These might include stomach upset, loss of appetite, or diarrhea; flu like symptoms such as a runny nose, sweating, muscle aches, or fever; and a variety of other symptoms such as tingling, restlessness, trouble sleeping, vivid dreams, fatigue, dizziness, or lightheadedness. You may also experience mood changes, such as irritability, sadness, anxiety, agitation, or crying spells. It can be difficult to know whether this is a result of stopping the medication or if the original depression is returning. The best way to tell is to wait a short time. Symptoms linked to coming off an antidepressant almost always disappear within several days or weeks. Tapering off your medicine slowly can help you avoid this problem. The steps I have outlined to change your way of thinking (Total Recovery) if followed and practiced daily will remove depression (no antidepressants) with no fear of relapse.
To prevent a relapse, it's important to continue with the exercises I have outlined even after you feel better. To remain sober and live a productive life this is a must. A MUST! (The exercises are all outlined in my book Total Recovery) .
I've dedicated this book to the hopeless and helpless individuals lost in the gray world, victims of the disease of alcohol abuse. I intend to deal with the whole person and not just the disease. There are three components critical to a sustained recovery; the body, the mind and the spirit, which combined, gives the addict back the control and stamina they need to sustain their alcohol or drug addiction rehabilitation and begin to live life to its fullest. By following my suggestions with and open mind, using my techniques, you will not only recover from your addiction, you will be in better physical and spiritual condition than you could possibly imagine.
It is a fact that drugs interfere with normal brain function and have long-term effects on the brains metabolism and activities. It is also a fact that at some point during alcohol use, changes occur in the brain that can turn alcohol abuse into addiction. Bear in mind that excessive alcohol use is not the same as addiction. Alcohol abuse occurs when an individual makes a conscious choice to use alcohol. When the body and the brain manifest the need for alcohol to function it becomes an addiction. However very few people will seek help before addiction has become a problem. The powerful effect of alcohol on the brains activities, for instance, the loss of inhibitions and the overwhelming feelings of pleasure, are the primary reasons why abusive users don't quit. Treatment can have a profound effect not only on drug abusers but on their families, friends, and society. Treatment is available through several comprehensive prevention programs, detoxification centers and alcoholic anonymous. All these programs offer short term sobriety and it is my opinion that short term sobriety is better the no sobriety at all. Don't get me wrong, thousand of people have been able to return to a normal existence through the help and assistance many of these programs offer. Some have even been able to find complete recovery. Those who have been truly successful are the ones that have found the right tools to change their way of thinking.
The user and abuser of alcohol and drugs creates a big challenge for other family members. Causing a negative effect on their quality of life. The members of the alcoholic and drug users family undoubtedly suffer from both physical and psychological ailments. Trying to deal with the constant problems of the abuser can be difficult but not impossible (there is no such word as impossible). Because their personal and social needs are neglected. The abusers lack of the ability to participate in social activities detracts from the quality of his or her life and the quality of the lives of their friends and family. My main objective with the abuser, the abusers family, and the abusers children is to restore and strengthen their dedication to life. I do this by teaching them the methods and techniques that restored my life and the lives of the people around me.
I don't sponsor AA and I don't full heartedly agree with all of their methods of recovery. However I do believe that the 12 steps and the serenity prayer are powerful tools to maintain sobriety. When it comes to working with the family and friends of the alcoholic abuser I do believe Alanon is the best program available. The biggest problem that most families effected by alcohol abuse is that through embarrassment and self denial they try to find their own solutions to the problem. Alanon is very effective in assisting families to cope and it also provides information about addiction and codependency. The members of Alanon gain there strength through mutual empowerment. So I highly recommend Alanon for the spouse and children of the abuser.
I'd like to discuss the physical effects that excessive consumption of alcohol has on the body. The amount of drinking, as well as the circumstances, play a large role determining the extent of intoxication. Consuming alcohol after eating a large meal has less of a toxic effect than drinking on an empty stomach. This can be determined by the vast extent of suffering experienced by the side effects and the hangovers. Initially light drinking will cause feelings of euphoria (lack of inhibition, cheerfulness and relaxation). However excessive drinking can lead to blurred vision , coordination problems and loss of consciousness. Extreme consumption can cause alcohol poisoning. and possible death. Once alcohol is in the bloodstream it can diffuse in nearly every biological tissue of the body. Intoxicated people will do things they would never do while sober, often overlooking social, moral, and legal considerations. Over a period of time, depending on the present health of the abuser, alcohol can cause cancer, cardiovascular disease, liver disease and many other bodily dysfunctions.
Here are some facts that relate alcohol abusers to crime. About 3 million violent crimes occur each year in which victims perceive the offender to have been drinking at the time of the offense. Among those victims who provided information about the offender's use of alcohol, about 35 percent of the victimizations involved an offender who had been drinking. About two-thirds of the alcohol-involved crimes were characterized as simple assaults. Two-thirds of victims who suffered violence by an intimate (a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend) reported that alcohol had been a factor. Among spouse victims, 3 out of 4 incidents were reported to have involved an offender who had been drinking. By contrast, an estimated 31 percent of stranger victimizations where the victim could determine the absence or presence of alcohol were perceived to be alcohol-related. Updated 08/20/07
Domestic violence is most often a problem related to alcohol and drug abuse. It is easy to put the blame for drinking or using drugs on something or someone else. Telling yourself that you really don't want to be abusive or nasty, but that when you are under the influence you just don't realize what you are doing. This in itself is a form of denial and blame-shifting. If you know that you get violent and out of control when you drink, or that there is a risk that you will, why do you continue drinking or drugging? Putting your family at risk or the constant fear of their insecurity should be the most important thing on your mind? If you are serious about wanting to change your abusive tendencies, then the first thing you have to do is deal with your alcohol or drug addiction and then you will be free to deal with the underlying issues within yourself which 'allow' you to turn violent or out of control while either drunk or on drugs. It's all in the way you think! You can change your way of thinking by following a few simple and easy steps. It is all right here in Total Recovery.
Note: Where I've used the word abuse in my text it generally refers to Alcohol and Drugs. I received a complaint saying I was misusing abusing. Sorry!